How to bundle consent

You have a custom client and a custom API. There is an application registration in Azure AD for each of these apps, one for the custom client, and one for the custom API. You want your users to be able to bundle the consent for these apps. You might see one of the following errorsā€¦ Step 1: Configure knownClientApplications for the API app registration First, you will need to add…

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How to resolve “No account or login hint was passed to the AcquireTokenSilent” with a Web App and no persistent token cache

You have implemented Microsoft Authentication Library or Microsoft Identity Web and now you are seeing the following error message: No account or login hint was passed to the AcquireTokenSilent The root cause is because the Token Cache is empty when you are trying to acquire a token silently when account was attempted to be pulled from MSAL. So on Web Applications like Asp.Net or Asp.Net Core, this is generally when…

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How to logout of an OAuth2 application without getting prompted to select a user

By default, when you sign out of Azure Active Directory when using a Open ID Connect/OAuth2 application, you will be prompted to select a user account to sign out of, even if there is only one user account to select. To work around this behavior, there are 3 requirements: Step (1): Add the optional claim for the login_hint Add the login_hint optional claim to the id token in the App…

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Control access to your apps in Azure AD

We get this kind of question all the time. It comes in many variations and forms likeā€¦ “I only want to consent for some users to access the app.” “I only want my service account to access this app” Before we get startedā€¦ First and foremost, only consenting for allowed users is not the solution. This is not the purpose for consent. Consent is to inform a user or admin…

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Troubleshooting consent in Azure AD

This is a general guide for troubleshooting consent in Azure AD. It will help resolve majority of the consent related scenarios (Not all of them). In general, the application is trying to sign-in or get an access token for a resource which has not been consented by the user or admin. In general, you want to make sure all of the permissions needed by the application have been consented to.…

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Segment Users in Azure AD

If you have been using Microsoft Graph API to add or modify users in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) you may have noticed that when you create a new user it lives with all the other users, some of which may have nothing to do with your application. Ideally, you may want a sub-directory or business unit of sorts. Fortunately, there are ways to segment these users in a more…

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VB.NET – Use MSAL.Net in a Console Application to Authenticate to Azure

At one point in recent history, VB.Net was one of the most popular development languages around. In fact, there are many legacy applications written in VB.Net and even still, VB.Net is still in the top 10 languages ( source: ).  I will show a simple console application using VB.Net to authenticate using MSAL.Net Of course, the first step, as in everything Azure, starts with setting up an app registration…

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AADSTS650056: Misconfigured application. This could be due to one of the following: The client has not listed any permissions for ‘AAD Graph’ in the requested permissions in the client’s application registration.

Let’s get startedā€¦ You are getting the following similar messageā€¦ AADSTS650056: Misconfigured application. This could be due to one of the following: The client has not listed any permissions for ‘AAD Graph’ in the requested permissions in the client’s application registration. Or, The admin has not consented in the tenant. Or, Check the application identifier in the request to ensure it matches the configured client application identifier. Please contact your…

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How to acquire bearer token non-interactively with a federated user

You are looking for a way to acquire an access token from Azure Active Directory without user interaction. We highly recommended to always use an interactive user sign-in experience as this is the most secured method. Especially when your organization has conditional access policies which require Multi-Factor Authentication. If at all possible, please use the methods for interactive sign-in. Here are some general guidance on how to non-interactively acquire a…

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Certain User Attributes may not show up in Graph Query

The Problem Azure AD Connect Sync Tool is often used to sync on prem Active Directory users and their attributes to Azure Active Directory. To query for these user and other directory objects, the Graph REST endpoint (Azure AD Graph or Microsoft Graph) can be used. An example Microsoft Graph query to get a User is the following: In certain scenario, some attributes, whether they are synced as Directory…

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