Retry Invoke-RestMethod requests in PowerShell when an error occurs

In this blog post, I will show you how you can trap a specific type of error when making a graph request using the Invoke-RestMethod commandlet and pause and retry the request x number of times before quitting. This is very helpful and is actually recommended to do error handling when making requests to Microsoft Graph. The key here is to set the Url that you’re going to be calling…

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Getting Azure Key Vault secret with Azure.Identity and Azure.Security.KeyVault

In my last post, I talked about using ADAL (now deprecated) with the KeyVaultClient class to get an access token using OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant flow and query Azure Key Vault with that access token. In this post, I’ll talk about using a couple of new classes in the Azure SDK for .NET library to accomplish the same goal. We will use Azure.Identity name space for our Azure AD token…

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Some tips and tricks with Fiddler capture

Recently, I came across a couple of scenarios where I could not get Fiddler to capture SSL traffic easily. Below are the some tips and tricks that may help in these situations. Scenario 1: Capture Node.js web traffic in Fiddler In the same command window where you run npm start to start the node server, run the below set commands first to set the proxy info before running npm start.…

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