Authorization_RequestDenied error when using Microsoft Graph API to add user(s) to a group

One may receive the following 403 error when using Microsoft Graph API to add a user to a group: MS Graph Request:POST<Group Object ID>/members/$refRequest body:{ “”: “<User Object ID>”}Response:{ “error”: { “code”: “Authorization_RequestDenied”, “message”: “Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.”, “innerError”: { “date”: “2024-05-07T15:39:39”, “request-id”: “aa324f0f-b4a3-4af6-9c4f-996e195xxxx”, “client-request-id”: “aa324f0f-b4a3-4af6-9c4f-996e1959074e” } }} Below are some guidelines for resolving the error Check group type: There are different types of groups and not…

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‘Update your browser’ message when using apps that leverage ADAL/MSAL

You might see the following message… Update your browserYour browser is not supported or up-to-date. Try updating it, or else download and install the latest version of Microsoft Edge.You could also try to access from another device. As a quick solution for the user.  Have the user register for MFA ahead of time before using the app. Simply open a supported Browser like Edge or Chrome and have the…

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How to find the underlying MS Graph URL from a Microsoft Graph PowerShell commandlet

There are times one needs to know the underlying Microsoft Graph URL for a given Microsoft Graph PowerShell commandlet. Knowing the underlying URL can be helpful for debugging Microsoft Graph related issues. There can be multiple ways to find out. Below are a couple of techniques one can use. Use the Debug switch This switch is documented here. This technique requires Using Connect-MgGraph to authenticate and execute the commandlet. The…

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