How to find the underlying MS Graph URL from a Microsoft Graph PowerShell commandlet

There are times one needs to know the underlying Microsoft Graph URL for a given Microsoft Graph PowerShell commandlet. Knowing the underlying URL can be helpful for debugging Microsoft Graph related issues. There can be multiple ways to find out. Below are a couple of techniques one can use. Use the Debug switch This switch is documented here. This technique requires Using Connect-MgGraph to authenticate and execute the commandlet. The…

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Managing Microsoft Graph requests in Microsoft Graph PowerShell

Basics of using Microsoft (MS) Graph PowerShell to update objects using Hashtables and JSON. These are just some examples that could be used. By no means would I consider these the “best” way to handle each scenario, however, this should get you started in the right direction. In general, a good thing to keep in mind, a Microsoft Graph type could be resembled as a PowerShell Hashtable or Array. To…

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Using Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to manage user consented permissions

The oAuth2PermissionGrant object keeps a record of user consented permissions (Delegated Permissions) in a tenant. There is one OAuth2PermissionGrant object (identified by Consent ID) for each combination of client application, resource application, and user. The sample PowerShell script in this post will perform the following tasks: Remove all MS Graph Delegated permissions (if any) for the user Perform user consent for an initial set of MS Graph permission Update the…

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Revoke Admin Consent for a delegated permission on a Service Principal with the MS Graph PowerShell SDK

Scenario: You use the Microsoft Graph Explorer tool to test a query. It requires you to consent to a permission so you use your admin account to do this. However, you click the check box to consent for the entire organization… woops! You did not mean to give everyone permissions for “AuditLog.Read.All” so now you need to revoke this permission. The easiest way to revoke consent is to just delete…

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Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK – Use Client Secret instead of Certificate for Service Principal login

The AAD Graph PowerShell SDK allowed you to use a client secret for the Application only ( Service Principal ) login flow – also known as the client_credentials grant flow. The documentation for the new Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK does not tell you how to use a client secret but instead, uses the more secure certificate method for the flow: Use app-only authentication with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK |…

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Retrieve Schema Extension Values for Devices from PowerShell

You can create complex schema extension properties for devices and then retrieve those specific properties from PowerShell. This blog post will walk you through how to do this. I created an app registration in my tenant to be the owner of my device schema extension following these instructions but for devices: Add custom data to groups using schema extensions – Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Docs One thing to point out…

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Use the Microsoft.Graph PowerShell SDK to get a list of Devices that do not have BitLocker Recovery Keys

As you may be aware, the AzureAD powershell module is being deprecated at the end of the year along with the AD Graph endpoint. As a result, all customers need to migrate their code to the Microsoft Graph endpoint. This blog post will show you how to use the Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module to get a list of devices that do not have a BitLocker Recovery key in Azure. This would…

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Download the user signInActivity from the beta endpoint using Microsoft Graph Powershell module.

You can use the Microsoft Graph Powershell module to download last sign in date / time for users from the Beta endpoint ( the signInActivity is currently not available in v1.0 ) and save the list to a .csv file. You must have the Microsoft Graph powershell module installed. This document will help you get started. My powershell script:

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