How to get and display the user photo with Graph SDK for .Net in a WPF application

Occasionally, we get requests asking how to get the user photo using the Graph SDK. This blog post will show you how to do that in a WPF application but I will also show you a method for getting the photo and saving it to disk with a .Net console application. You can download the sample project here: This project also utilizes the Authentication Provider code in this blog…

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Using Azure Management Libraries for .NET to manage Azure AD users, groups, and RBAC Role Assignments

In this blog, we will use Azure SDK for .NET to perform the following tasks: Create an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) user, query for the created user, and delete the user. Create an Azure AD group, query for the created group, and delete the group. Add a user to the group’s members. Create an Role-based Access Control (RBAC) Role Assignment: we will assign the group created above ‘Storage Blob…

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