Tutorial: How to call a protected web API with an application permission token in Azure AD B2C

Introduction This post covers an end to end scenario where a front end console application authenticates to Azure AD B2C using client credentials OAuth2 grant flow and calls a .Net backend web API. The samples in this post are built on .Net 6 framework. App Registrations There are 2 App Registrations required in this tutorial: a front-end console app and a back-end web API. The samples also require either a…

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Use logging to troubleshoot Azure AD protected Web API Authentication or Authorization errors

The sample web API application in this blog uses .Net 6 Framework and Microsoft.Identity.Web nuget package to Azure AD protect the Web API. I use Serilog framework for logging the debug output both to the console window and to the local file. This sample assumes you already have a web API application registered in Azure AD. If you are not familiar with how to do that refer to my previous…

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Azure AD-protected Web API using Spring Boot Starter for Azure Active Directory

In this blog post, I will demonstrate a simple Azure AD-protected Web API sample using Spring Boot Starter for Azure Active Directory. If you are not familiar with Spring Boot Starter for Azure Active Directory, please take a look at azure-sdk-for-java/sdk/spring/azure-spring-boot-starter-active-directory at main · Azure/azure-sdk-for-java (github.com) and the Azure AD Spring Developer’s Guide. Requirement: You must have a Web API Application registered in Azure Active Directory and expose its permission…

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Troubleshooting ASP.NET Core Azure AD-protected Web API Authorization issues

There is plenty of content on the internet that shows you how to use ASP.NET Core Authentication pipeline to protect a Web API with Azure Active Directory.  This is all working great except when your Web API returns a 401 Unauthorized error without providing much information.  You can end up spending a lot of time, pulling your hair out trying to figure out what can go wrong even though you…

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Walkthrough: How to protect an ASP.NET Core Web API application with Azure AD

Pre-requisite: The ASP.NET Core Web API project in this tutorial uses Visual Studio 2017 with .Net Core runtime version 2.2 Application Registration: We will need to create an App Registration for the web API and an App Registration for the client app calling the web API in Azure Active Directory. Web API: From the Azure portal, navigate to the Azure Active Directory blade -> App registrations -> New registration to…

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Changing an existing Native Application to a Web App/API to get existing keys

Introduction   This article is meant to help get the keys from your native application. We used to show the keys in native applications however we took out that feature because the native application is not meant to have keys/secrets. As a result some people have had keys/secrets with their native applications however they currently still use those keys/secrets. This article is to help those people in order to get…

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