Tutorial: How to call a protected web API with an application permission token in Azure AD B2C

Introduction This post covers an end to end scenario where a front end console application authenticates to Azure AD B2C using client credentials OAuth2 grant flow and calls a .Net backend web API. The samples in this post are built on .Net 6 framework. App Registrations There are 2 App Registrations required in this tutorial: a front-end console app and a back-end web API. The samples also require either a…

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Implementing SwaggerUI and API for Azure AD

Do not forget the basic principles of Open ID Connect and OAuth2. When you want to protect an API with OAuth2 and Azure AD, you must pass an access token that will be validated. So if you want to test with SwaggerUI, on accessing the API portion, SwaggerUI must be configured to authenticate, acquire an access token, and pass it to the API. Before we get started, ensure you create…

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Adding multiple issuer and audience validation in C#

You have an custom developed Web app or Web API using Asp.Net or Asp.Net Core and you want to control which issuers have access to your app. There are a couple ways to do this. Use Multiple Authentication schemes One way to do this and is probably the most recommended way is to perform what is documented here… https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-identity-web/wiki/multiple-authentication-schemes In this solution, you’ll want to have different Web App or…

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Add Azure AD roles claim support in WebAssembly Authentication

You are developing a WebAssembly authentication app and trying to implement Roles based access control. You are getting a similar error like… The WebAssembly Authentication stack appears to cast the roles claim into a single string. We need this User Factory to modify its behavior so that each role has its own unique value. Create the Custom User Factory First, create a custom User Factory (CustomUserFactory.cs)… Add the roles mapping…

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How to resolve “No account or login hint was passed to the AcquireTokenSilent” with a Web App and no persistent token cache

You have implemented Microsoft Authentication Library or Microsoft Identity Web and now you are seeing the following error message: No account or login hint was passed to the AcquireTokenSilent The root cause is because the Token Cache is empty when you are trying to acquire a token silently when account was attempted to be pulled from MSAL. So on Web Applications like Asp.Net or Asp.Net Core, this is generally when…

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