Add Azure AD roles claim support in WebAssembly Authentication

You are developing a WebAssembly authentication app and trying to implement Roles based access control. You are getting a similar error like… The WebAssembly Authentication stack appears to cast the roles claim into a single string. We need this User Factory to modify its behavior so that each role has its own unique value. Create the Custom User Factory First, create a custom User Factory (CustomUserFactory.cs)… Add the roles mapping…

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Using Azure Management Libraries for .NET to manage Azure AD users, groups, and RBAC Role Assignments

In this blog, we will use Azure SDK for .NET to perform the following tasks: Create an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) user, query for the created user, and delete the user. Create an Azure AD group, query for the created group, and delete the group. Add a user to the group’s members. Create an Role-based Access Control (RBAC) Role Assignment: we will assign the group created above ‘Storage Blob…

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