Using PowerShell to configure a signing certificate for a SAML-based SSO Enterprise Application

In my last blog post I talked about how to use PowerShell to instantiate an MSAL Confidential Client Application to acquire an access token using Client Credentials Grant flow. In this post we will use PowerShell to instantiate an MSAL Public Client Application to perform an Authorization Code Grant flow to obtain a delegated permission Access Token for Microsoft Graph. We will then use that access token to call Microsoft…

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Receiving error AADSTS7000218: The request body must contain the following parameter: ‘client_assertion’ or ‘client_secret’

Problem: An application receives the following error when authenticating to Azure Active Directory: {     “error”: “invalid_client”,      “error_description”: “AADSTS7000218: The request body must contain the following parameter: ‘client_assertion’ or ‘client_secret’.\r\nTrace ID: xxx\r\nCorrelation ID: xxx\r\nTimestamp: 2019-08-18 20:38:28Z”,     “error_codes”: [7000218],     …} What does this error mean? The error is what it said.  When authenticating to Azure AD to get an access token, the client application is not providing…

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Using Postman to Call the Microsoft Graph API Using Client Credentials

Introduction This blog post is to help users stand up an Azure Active Directory Application Registration, explain what permissions will be needed to added to the AAD Application Registration, how to make rest calls to get an access token, and then finally call the Microsoft Graph API to do whatever call you would like to do.   Please note, that not all permissions are going to be within Azure. i.e.…

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Using Postman to call the Microsoft Graph API using Authorization Code Flow

Introduction This article will help guide you through utilizing Postman to call a Microsoft Graph Call using the authorization code flow. This is part of a 5 part blog on accessing the Microsoft Graph API utilizing grant types : authorization code, implicit flow, client credentials, password, and refresh token flow. We will be utilizing the same Microsoft Graph call to reduce extraneous details on having to include setting up and…

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Setup POSTMAN to get Azure access tokens automatically for you

Introduction Postman is an HTTP request tool that is very handy for developing and testing your Azure requests. This is the Postman website: Postman does make it easy to setup authentication and acquire access tokens but it normally is a multi-step process. The purpose of this blog post is to show you how you can setup Postman to automatically handle authentication for you so you don’t have to go…

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AADSTS50011: The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application

Last Updated: August 23 2019 Let’s get started… When your developing or integrating an application with Azure AD, you might see the following similar error… AADSTS50011: The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application: ‘XXX’. This is because the redirect_uri (when using OpenID Connect) or AssertionConsumerServiceUrl (when using SAML2) being passed to Azure Active Directory to sign-in, does not exist in…

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Retrieving user information from Azure AD’s UserInfo Endpoints

In OpenId Connect (OIDC) we have the UserInfo endpoint, that’s specifically for the OIDC protocol and we cannot use with OAuth2 protocol. To use this endpoint in Azure AD we need a token, and without specifying the “Resource” parameter. How to obtain a token (V1) For the sake of this example we’ll use the auth code grant flow to request tokens, using Microsoft Identity Platform V1 endpoint. In a browser…

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Walkthrough: How to protect an ASP.NET Core Web API application with Azure AD

Pre-requisite: The ASP.NET Core Web API project in this tutorial uses Visual Studio 2017 with .Net Core runtime version 2.2 Application Registration: We will need to create an App Registration for the web API and an App Registration for the client app calling the web API in Azure Active Directory. Web API: From the Azure portal, navigate to the Azure Active Directory blade -> App registrations -> New registration to…

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Walkthrough: Using MSAL.Net to call an Azure Function App with Easy Auth enabled

In this post, I’ll walk through the steps for how to create an application using Microsoft Authentication Library for .Net (MSAL.Net) to call an Azure AD protected Azure Function App using Easy Auth (Azure App Service’ Authentication and Authorization feature). 1. Create an Azure Function with Easy Auth enabled: Assuming you already have an Azure Function App created (refer to if you don’t know how to create one), go…

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Troubleshooting Asp.Net OWIN and Asp.Net Core Authentication sign-in failures with Azure Active Directory

Let get started! This article assumes you are using your own code to perform the authentication to Azure Active Directory. IMPORTANT: So if your using Azure App Services or Azure Function Apps Authentication/Authorization feature, this article is not for you. You are developing a Asp.Net OWIN or Asp.Net Core Authentication web application and integrating it with Azure Active Directory. You run into some issues during the sign-in process with no…

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