Using AdditionalData property in Microsoft Graph SDK for .Net

The AAD Directory Object classes in Microsoft Graph SDK for .Net have a generic property called ‘AdditionalData’ that can be used to send and receive data in the json payload. In certain scenarios where the regular class members are not available in the SDK we can still set their values via AdditionalData property. An example of this is to create a group that has resourceBehaviorOptions attribute (array of strings) populated…

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Python Scripts may be detected as web-crawler when making Microsoft Graph requests.

Sometimes, a python script that is making Microsoft Graph requests may be detected by the gateway as a web-crawler if you are using a pool manager and block the request. The error will look similar to this: {‘error’: {‘code’: ‘UnknownError’, ‘message’: ‘\r\n403 Forbidden\r\n\r\n 403 Forbidden \r\n Microsoft-Azure-Application-Gateway/v2 \r\n\r\n\r\n’, ‘innerError’: {‘date’: ‘{UTC Date/Time}’, ‘request-id’: ‘{guid}’, ‘client-request-id’: ‘{guid}’}}} To overcome this issue the easiest way is to use the MS Graph SDK…

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Download the user signInActivity from the beta endpoint using Microsoft Graph Powershell module.

You can use the Microsoft Graph Powershell module to download last sign in date / time for users from the Beta endpoint ( the signInActivity is currently not available in v1.0 ) and save the list to a .csv file. You must have the Microsoft Graph powershell module installed. This document will help you get started. My powershell script:

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Using Microsoft.Identity.Web to request multiple different Azure AD Access Tokens

There are times a web application may need to log in a user and call different backend Azure AD protected web APIs. The web application would need to obtain different Access Tokens, one for each web API. In this post I will attempt to demonstrate how this can be done using MIcrosoft.Identity.Web nuget package. This sample shows how to get tokens for Microsoft Graph resource and a custom web API…

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Package Inspector for MSAL Android Native Guide

Package Inspector for MSAL Android Native Guide The Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Android Native contains a tool called Package Inspector. This tool presents a list of packages installed on an Android device and allows the user to view, copy, and paste the signature hash used to sign the application’s package. It can be very useful in troubleshooting and verifying the signature hash for applications installed on an Android device.…

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Users unable to lookup other users in the MS Graph Users endpoint

The Microsoft Graph endpoint is how you can interact programmatically with your tenant data. One of the most common scenarios is a MS Graph request to look up a user or users in the tenant. If you’re using delegated permissions in your access token, for a user to look up another user, the access token will need the delegated permission of User.Read.All However, there are ways to prevent users from…

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How to logout of an OAuth2 application without getting prompted to select a user

By default, when you sign out of Azure Active Directory when using a Open ID Connect/OAuth2 application, you will be prompted to select a user account to sign out of, even if there is only one user account to select. To work around this behavior, there are 3 requirements: Step (1): Add the optional claim for the login_hint Add the login_hint optional claim to the id token in the App…

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Troubleshooting Signature validation errors

These signature validation errors are caused when the resource provider (not Azure AD) is unable to validate the signature of the token, either because the signing key could not be found or the signing key used was not able to validate the signature. This article will describe the most common scenarios and solutions. The concept and root cause is still the same and will continue to apply. Unfortunately, many developers…

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Using the Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy API permission

You have an application, when authenticated, and you want to be able to update its own properties such as the Client Secret or Certificate. The Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy allows the application to manage applications in which it is a owner of. Otherwise meaning if you want to update its own properties, it would be have to an owner of itself. You can do this using the Microsoft Graph API: For more information…

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MSAL.JS SPA client performing Authorization Code Grant flow to ADFS 2019

This blog walks through how to set up MSAL.JS to authenticate directly to ADFS 2019 Server using Authorization Code Grant flow to get an Access Token and then call a Web API with that Access Token. We will go over the following steps to get this the samples working: App Registrations for both the Single Page Application (SPA) client app and the web API app Enable Cross-origin Request Sharing (CORS)…

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