How to Resolve IDX10501 Errors in a B2C Microsoft.Identity.Web Application

Consider the situation where you are developing an ASP.NET Core application that needs to support Azure B2C. Following the official Microsoft Document, you implement the Microsoft.Identity.Web library and three built-in User Flows. All is working well, but you also need to implement a Custom Policy. You find the following documentation which shows how to make a request with the B2C policy specified: You try to implement this guidance. Everything…

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Update Asp.Net or Asp.Net Core app session to last longer than Azure AD tokens

Azure AD tokens (ID tokens, access tokens, and SAML tokens) by default last one hour. Asp.Net and Asp.Net Core Middleware sets their authentication ticket to the expiration of these tokens by default. If you do not want your web application to kick the user out redirecting them to Azure AD to sign-in again, you can customize the Middleware authentication ticket. This can also help resolve AJAX issues (getting CORS error…

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How to inject custom data into the ‘state’ parameter in an OpenID Connect MVC Application

It’s often desirable for an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)- integrated application to maintain application state when sending request to Azure AD for login. The recommended way to achieve this is to use the ‘state’ parameter as defined in the OpenID Connect standards. Also mentioned in our documentation, the ‘state’ parameter is used for both preventing cross-site request forgery attacks and to maintain user’s state before authentication request occurs: For…

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Infinite sign in loop between MVC application and Azure AD

In a previous post I talked about an infinite redirect loop issue between an MVC application and Azure AD when performing sign in. In this post, we will look at another scenario which can lead to the same type of problem. Background Applications running an old version of OWIN middleware can run into this issue because of a known Katana bug. Due to a cookie mismanagement issue in the old…

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Troubleshooting Asp.Net OWIN and Asp.Net Core Authentication sign-in failures with Azure Active Directory

Let get started! This article assumes you are using your own code to perform the authentication to Azure Active Directory. IMPORTANT: So if your using Azure App Services or Azure Function Apps Authentication/Authorization feature, this article is not for you. You are developing a Asp.Net OWIN or Asp.Net Core Authentication web application and integrating it with Azure Active Directory. You run into some issues during the sign-in process with no…

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Infinite redirect between OpenID Connect Application and Azure AD

Recently I came across an interesting infinite redirection problem between an OpenID Connect (OIDC) Application and Azure AD as demonstrated in the Fiddler screen shot below. After authentication to Azure AD, we are stuck in an infinite loop between the web site and Azure AD. Eventually the browser gives up and throws an error. This problem only occurs if I start browsing to the site by http protocol (frame 3).…

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Retrieving user information from Azure AD’s UserInfo Endpoints

In OpenId Connect (OIDC) we have the UserInfo endpoint, that’s specifically for the OIDC protocol and we cannot use with OAuth2 protocol. To use this endpoint in Azure AD we need a token, and without specifying the “Resource” parameter. How to obtain a token (V1) For the sake of this example we’ll use the auth code grant flow to request tokens, using Microsoft Identity Platform V1 endpoint. In a browser…

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