Using Microsoft.Identity.Web to request multiple different Azure AD Access Tokens

There are times a web application may need to log in a user and call different backend Azure AD protected web APIs. The web application would need to obtain different Access Tokens, one for each web API. In this post I will attempt to demonstrate how this can be done using MIcrosoft.Identity.Web nuget package. This sample shows how to get tokens for Microsoft Graph resource and a custom web API…

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How to logout of an OAuth2 application without getting prompted to select a user

By default, when you sign out of Azure Active Directory when using a Open ID Connect/OAuth2 application, you will be prompted to select a user account to sign out of, even if there is only one user account to select. To work around this behavior, there are 3 requirements: Step (1): Add the optional claim for the login_hint Add the login_hint optional claim to the id token in the App…

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Troubleshooting Signature validation errors

These signature validation errors are caused when the resource provider (not Azure AD) is unable to validate the signature of the token, either because the signing key could not be found or the signing key used was not able to validate the signature. This article will describe the most common scenarios and solutions. The concept and root cause is still the same and will continue to apply. Unfortunately, many developers…

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Receiving error AADSTS7500514: A supported type of SAML response was not found when authenticating to Azure AD with a federated account

Customers can get the following error when authenticating to Azure Active Directory with a federated account using MSAL (or now deprecated ADAL) Authentication library. { error: “invalid_request”, error_description: “AADSTS7500514: A supported type of SAML response was not found. The supported response types are ‘Response’ (in XML namespace ‘urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol’) or ‘Assertion’ (in XML namespace ‘urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion’). …. error_uri: “” } The error is typically seen in the following environment: A federated account…

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How to perform logging for both MSAL.Net and Microsoft Graph SDK

Microsoft Graph SDK has the ability to log out complete HTTP Requests and Reponses as documented here. The way this logging mechanism works is by implementing a custom HttpClient Message handler to intercept every HTTP Request and Response between the client application and the Microsoft Graph Service. Besides hooking into GraphServiceClient’s processing pipeline to do request and response tracing, one can also configure proxy info. See Customize the Microsoft Graph…

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Azure AD-protected Web API using Spring Boot Starter for Azure Active Directory

In this blog post, I will demonstrate a simple Azure AD-protected Web API sample using Spring Boot Starter for Azure Active Directory. If you are not familiar with Spring Boot Starter for Azure Active Directory, please take a look at azure-sdk-for-java/sdk/spring/azure-spring-boot-starter-active-directory at main · Azure/azure-sdk-for-java ( and the Azure AD Spring Developer’s Guide. Requirement: You must have a Web API Application registered in Azure Active Directory and expose its permission…

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Script errors running MSAL.Net in XBAP application

You may encounter script errors with the background text saying cookies are disabled when running MSAL code snippet similar to the following in a XAML Browser Application (XBAP) from Internet Explorer when performing Azure AD login Root Cause XBAP Applications, although housed in Internet Explorer, runs in its own process space: PresentationHost.exe, which is a very tightly-controlled security container. XBAP Application uses the webBrowser control to host the Azure AD…

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Update Asp.Net or Asp.Net Core app session to last longer than Azure AD tokens

Azure AD tokens (ID tokens, access tokens, and SAML tokens) by default last one hour. Asp.Net and Asp.Net Core Middleware sets their authentication ticket to the expiration of these tokens by default. If you do not want your web application to kick the user out redirecting them to Azure AD to sign-in again, you can customize the Middleware authentication ticket. This can also help resolve AJAX issues (getting CORS error…

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AADSTS50000: There was an error issuing a token or an issue with our sign-in service

This error can occur during Azure AD authentication process or during any token acquisition flow using the token endpoint. There are multiple causes for this error to happen. Below are a few scenarios that can lead to the error . Root Cause 1: the user password is either expired, invalid, or out of sync This can happen more predominantly in a hybrid environment. The authenticated federated account’s password may be…

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