Azure AD has a maximum number of groups that can be returned in an access token when you have selected to include the groups claim for your access token. This post will show you how to reproduce the scenario and then how to get the users groups using Microsoft Graph when a groups overage claim is present in the token instead of actual groups. For a JWT token, Azure has…
Read MoreHow to perform logging for both MSAL.Net and Microsoft Graph SDK
Microsoft Graph SDK has the ability to log out complete HTTP Requests and Reponses as documented here. The way this logging mechanism works is by implementing a custom HttpClient Message handler to intercept every HTTP Request and Response between the client application and the Microsoft Graph Service. Besides hooking into GraphServiceClient’s processing pipeline to do request and response tracing, one can also configure proxy info. See Customize the Microsoft Graph…
Read MoreReceiving error ‘Neither tenant is B2C or tenant doesn’t have premium license’ from Microsoft Graph
You may receive the following error ‘error’: { ‘code’: ‘Authentication_RequestFromNonPremiumTenantOrB2CTenant’, ‘message’: ‘Neither tenant is B2C or tenant doesn’t have premium license’, ‘innerError’: { ‘date’: ‘2021-03-04T07:53:51’, ‘request-id’: ‘a0a074e6-xxx-c511669fa420’, ‘client-request-id’: ‘a0a074e6-xxx-c511669fa420′ } when making any Microsoft Graph call querying users’ sign in activities, for example the following GET requests or$select=displayName,userPrincipalName,signInActivity So what’s the resolution? The following criteria are required for the call to succeed: The queried tenant or directory will…
Read MoreRetry Invoke-RestMethod requests in PowerShell when an error occurs
In this blog post, I will show you how you can trap a specific type of error when making a graph request using the Invoke-RestMethod commandlet and pause and retry the request x number of times before quitting. This is very helpful and is actually recommended to do error handling when making requests to Microsoft Graph. The key here is to set the Url that you’re going to be calling…
Read MoreUsing PowerShell to configure a signing certificate for a SAML-based SSO Enterprise Application
In my last blog post I talked about how to use PowerShell to instantiate an MSAL Confidential Client Application to acquire an access token using Client Credentials Grant flow. In this post we will use PowerShell to instantiate an MSAL Public Client Application to perform an Authorization Code Grant flow to obtain a delegated permission Access Token for Microsoft Graph. We will then use that access token to call Microsoft…
Read MoreWhy /memberOf Microsoft Graph API returning null fields for some attributes.
What do below API calls do?{id | userPrincipalName}/memberOf These API calls gives us the list of groups and directory roles that the user is a direct member of. API Call: GET JSON response: { “@odata.context”: “$metadata#directoryObjects”, “value”: [ { “@odata.type”: “”, “id”: “b0a133d4-3f3d-4990-be22-879151155f19”, “deletedDateTime”: null, “classification”: null, “createdDateTime”: null, “creationOptions”: [], “description”: null, “displayName”: null, “expirationDateTime”: null, “groupTypes”: [], “isAssignableToRole”: null, “mail”: null, “mailEnabled”: null, “mailNickname”: null, “membershipRule”: null, “membershipRuleProcessingState”: null, } } What is the reason behind seeing null values? When we make a call…
Read MoreReceiving Error “AADSTS900439 – USGClientNotSupportedOnPublicEndpoint”
Problem: This blog provides more information about the error “AADSTS900439 – USGClientNotSupportedOnPublicEndpoint”. This error typically occurs when a user uses a public cloud endpoint to sign in to an application registered in Azure Government sovereign cloud. It is known fact that the official Azure Active Directory (AAD) Authority for Azure Government changed from `` to ``. This change also applied to Microsoft 365 GCC High and DoD, which Azure Government…
Read MoreConfigure .Net Application to call Microsoft Graph in a National Cloud Tenant
When authenticating with Azure and making a Microsoft Graph request, for commercial tenants, this is all done with the .com endpoints (… and ) and your token audience is for the .com endpoint as well. However, when performing the requests against a National Cloud tenant, you must use the appropriate endpoints. In this article, I will show you how to configure the Microsoft Graph .Net SDK in a…
Read MoreReceiving error “Change enumeration is not supported for requested tenant.” from MS Graph Delta query
Problem Customer receives the following error when running an MS Graph delta query, for instance the following: GET ‘error’: { ‘code’: ‘Request_UnsupportedQuery’, ‘message’: ‘Change enumeration is not supported for requested tenant.’, ‘innerError’: { ‘request-id’: ‘xxx’, ‘date’: ‘2020-05-22T13:17:45’ } } Root Cause This error can happen if the tenant is an Azure AD B2C tenant. More Information Differential or Delta query is currently not supported in an Azure AD B2C…
Read MoreHow to get and display the user photo with Graph SDK for .Net in a WPF application
Occasionally, we get requests asking how to get the user photo using the Graph SDK. This blog post will show you how to do that in a WPF application but I will also show you a method for getting the photo and saving it to disk with a .Net console application. You can download the sample project here: This project also utilizes the Authentication Provider code in this blog…
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