Using MSAL.Net to perform the client credentials flow with a certificate instead of a client secret in a .NetCore console appliction.

The sample files for this post can be found in this GitHub repository: There is also a Powershell script there to create a certificate for this sample. You can perform the OAuth2 client_credentials grant flow to sign in as an application for your automated type of services. This flow does not require an interactive user to authenticate and should only be run in secure environments. There are 2 methods…

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Implement Client Credentials flow for Graph Java Client

In my previous article , I showed you how to modify our great Graph Client for Java sample to add some additional options for things like filtering, setting the max retries for 429 errors, etc.  That sample uses the Oauth2 Device Code flow.  In this article, I will show you how to convert that and use the Client Credentials Flow.  Although, you will not be able to retrieve the same…

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Using PowerShell to get Azure AD audit logs

In my previous blog, I talked about how to use PowerShell with Microsoft Graph Reporting API. In that blog, I used the Client Credentials grant flow to acquire an access token for Microsoft Graph against the V1 endpoint. Also the code sample in that blog only works if all the reporting data result set is small. In this blog I’ll discuss how to get a Microsoft Graph access token using…

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VB.NET – Use MSAL.Net in a Console Application to Authenticate to Azure

At one point in recent history, VB.Net was one of the most popular development languages around. In fact, there are many legacy applications written in VB.Net and even still, VB.Net is still in the top 10 languages ( source: ).  I will show a simple console application using VB.Net to authenticate using MSAL.Net Of course, the first step, as in everything Azure, starts with setting up an app registration…

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Why am I getting a Login Request after initial login using iOS MSAL?

Does your app keep asking you to login after initial login when implementing iOS MSAL? Did you implement this in your Android without any issues? Did you look over all your code a million times and your configurations look correct but still cannot figure out why this is happening? Well, you are in luck because we go over why this happens and how to fix it! SCENARIO Using MSAL SDK…

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How to set your MSAL.js app up to automatically sign-in if you already have a session signed in on another tab

Our MSAL.js sample is an excellent example for using MSAL in a javascript page. However, it only demonstrates logging in by clicking on a button. If you’re launching your app from myapps portal or are otherwise already logged into the portal with the browser, it would make sense to just use that session to perform your sign-in for your MSAL app without requiring the button click. This is actually easily…

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