Authorization_RequestDenied error when using Microsoft Graph API to add user(s) to a group

One may receive the following 403 error when using Microsoft Graph API to add a user to a group: MS Graph Request:POST<Group Object ID>/members/$refRequest body:{ “”: “<User Object ID>”}Response:{ “error”: { “code”: “Authorization_RequestDenied”, “message”: “Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.”, “innerError”: { “date”: “2024-05-07T15:39:39”, “request-id”: “aa324f0f-b4a3-4af6-9c4f-996e195xxxx”, “client-request-id”: “aa324f0f-b4a3-4af6-9c4f-996e1959074e” } }} Below are some guidelines for resolving the error Check group type: There are different types of groups and not…

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Using “groups” claim in Azure Active Directory

Lets get Started! To enable the return of groups in a claim, there are two ways… Use the application registration manifest by enabling the groupMembershipClaims property… or if it’s a SAML application, you can enable it though the SSO configuration. The steps on enabling groups claim is outlined in the following article… Once enabled, groups will now be returned in the “groups” claim within a access token or…

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