Using “groups” claim in Azure Active Directory

Lets get Started! To enable the return of groups in a claim, there are two ways… Use the application registration manifest by enabling the groupMembershipClaims property… or if it’s a SAML application, you can enable it though the SSO configuration. The steps on enabling groups claim is outlined in the following article… Once enabled, groups will now be returned in the “groups” claim within a access token or…

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Retrieving Azure Key Vault Secret using System MSI in an Azure VM in Python

Introduction This is a walk-through showing how to use System Managed Service Identity (MSI) from an Azure VM to retrieve an Azure Key Vault secret in python. Pre-requisite To use the steps in this walk-through you need to have the following: Azure VM Azure Key Vault Python is already installed in the Azure VM (can be downloaded at The steps Enable System MSI for the Azure VM in the…

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Using to verify the signature of a JWT token

Introduction In an asymmetric algorithm, a JWT token is signed with an Identity Provider’s private key. To verify the signature of the token, one will need to have a matching public key. This post will cover how to use the JWT tool at to verify the signature of an signed Azure AD token (either access or id token). Note: You should only validate the token intended for your own…

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