While using Microsoft Graph explorer, you accidentally consented to permission(s) that you did not mean to. This blog post will explain how to unconsent or remove that permission(s). Log in to graph explorer (Graph Explorer | Try Microsoft Graph APIs – Microsoft Graph) with your credentials. Note: In order to perform the following unconsent steps, make sure these permissions: Directory.Read.All and DelegatedPermissionGrant.ReadWrite.All are already consented. Perform the following steps to…
Read MoreMicrosoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException: Failed to get user name
You might be using the following method to attempt Integrated Windows Auth while using Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)… and you are getting one of the following errors… Make sure you at least meet these minimum requirements: What is actually failing? MSAL makes a call to GetUserNameEx function from secur32.dll… https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet/blob/01ecd12464007fc1988b6a127aa0b1b980bca1ed/src/client/Microsoft.Identity.Client/Platforms/Features/DesktopOS/WindowsNativeMethods.cs#L66 For more information about GetUserNameEx… https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/secext/nf-secext-getusernameexa Windows is returning this error message. There is a number of reasons this can…
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