{"id":4669,"date":"2019-01-03T19:48:50","date_gmt":"2019-01-03T19:48:50","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/blogs.aaddevsup.xyz\/?p=4669"},"modified":"2019-08-12T21:54:31","modified_gmt":"2019-08-12T21:54:31","slug":"walkthrough-how-to-retrieve-an-azure-key-vault-secret-from-an-azure-function-app-using-client-credentials-flow-with-certificate","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/blogs.aaddevsup.xyz\/2019\/01\/walkthrough-how-to-retrieve-an-azure-key-vault-secret-from-an-azure-function-app-using-client-credentials-flow-with-certificate\/","title":{"rendered":"Walkthrough: how to retrieve an Azure Key Vault secret from an Azure Function App using client credentials flow with certificate"},"content":{"rendered":"
This post builds on the information from the previous<\/a> post and I will assume that you already have an Azure Key Vault, an AAD Application registration, and a certificate file. We will cover the following steps in this blog in order to use a certificate from an Azure Function App<\/a>:<\/p>\n From the Azure Market Place in the Azure portal, create an Azure Function App. The Hosting Plan can either be Consumption Plan or App Service Plan.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Go to the Function App resource we just created => click on Platform features<\/strong> tab => click on SSL<\/strong> link<\/p>\n <\/p>\n From the SSL blade => click on Private Certificates (.pfx)<\/strong> tab => click the Upload Certificate<\/strong> link<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Go through the Certificate Upload wizard to provide a pfx file and password. Once the upload is complete, the certificate info should appear under the Private Certificate<\/strong> section<\/p>\n <\/p>\n From the Function App blade, click on the Application settings<\/strong> link under the Platform features<\/strong> tab<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Under Application settings section, add a new setting called WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES<\/strong> and set the value to be the certificate thumbprint. Click on Save<\/strong> button to save the new setting<\/p>\n <\/p>\n From Visual Studio 2017, create a new Azure Functions project. If you don’t see the “Azure Functions” template, you may need to install “Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools” extension. See https:\/\/docs.microsoft.com\/en-us\/azure\/azure-functions\/functions-develop-vs<\/a> for more info.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n For the Function trigger, I just choose Timer trigger for the purpose of this blog. You an choose any trigger you like. Trigger is just a mean to invoke an Azure Function. If you have a storage account then go ahead and configure the storage account for the Function under Storage Account setting. The schedule setting uses CRON expression<\/a> to define a timer schedule for the Function App. The prepopulated expression 0 *\/5 * * * *<\/b> <\/span><\/span>means that the Function is invoked every 5 minutes.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Now we need to write the code for this Function:<\/p>\n Install-Package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory<\/span> Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault [gist id=”069082b4a4a2df7b0e3f9ef4ccf4498b” file=”Function1.cs”]<\/p>\n Note: If you have not done this already, make sure you log into Visual Studio with your Azure AD account<\/span>. Select the target to be our existing Azure Function App and click “Publish”<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Select the right Azure Function App under the right Resource Group and click OK to publish<\/p>\n Once the publishing is finished, we should see our Function 1 appearing in the Azure portal. You can click on the “Run” button to see the output in the Logs section at the bottom.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n https:\/\/docs.microsoft.com\/en-us\/azure\/azure-functions\/functions-develop-vs<\/a><\/p>\n\n
Create an Azure Function App<\/h1>\n
Upload the certificate to the Azure Function App<\/h1>\n
Configure the Function App to load the certificate<\/h1>\n
Create an Azure Function<\/h1>\n