Four Pillars of Destiny Discover Your Code To Success Lily Chung Ph.D Dr.Jin Peh 英文 四柱推命 命理 占い 190609
■□Four Pillars of Destiny Discover Your Code To Success Lily Chung Ph.D Dr.Jin Peh 英文□■
【著者】Lily Chung Ph.D、Dr.Jin Peh 【発行社】Createspace Independent Pub 【発行年月日】2013年 【内容】四柱推命に関する英文書籍です。 【状態】表紙にスレあり。本文の経年ヤケは気にならない程度です。その他、書き込み、破れなどは見当たらず、古書としては良い状態だと思います。(見落としはご容赦願います) 【目次】 Foreword Chapter 1. How The Book Came About Chapter 2. Introduction to the Four Pillars Chapter 3. Basic Interpretation Techniques Chapter 4. The Special Stars Chapter 5. Standard Charts Chapter 6. Follow Charts, Transformation Charts Chapter 7. Special Charts Chapter 8. Five Elements and Health Chapter 9. Identifying The Usefiul Element In A Four Pillars Chart Chapter10. Conclusion Appendix 1. Distribution of Energy in the Months Appendix 2. Eight Trigrams Appendix 3. Polish Air Force Tu-154 Crash Appendix 4. The Middle Eastern Leaders 2011 Appendix 5. The Story of Two Best-Selling Writers Appendix 6. The Main Players of Google Appendix 7. Jeremy Lin's Commanding Pillars Chart
【発行社】Createspace Independent Pub
Chapter 1. How The Book Came About
Chapter 2. Introduction to the Four Pillars
Chapter 3. Basic Interpretation Techniques
Chapter 4. The Special Stars
Chapter 5. Standard Charts
Chapter 6. Follow Charts, Transformation Charts
Chapter 7. Special Charts
Chapter 8. Five Elements and Health
Chapter 9. Identifying The Usefiul Element In A Four Pillars Chart
Chapter10. Conclusion
Appendix 1. Distribution of Energy in the Months
Appendix 2. Eight Trigrams
Appendix 3. Polish Air Force Tu-154 Crash
Appendix 4. The Middle Eastern Leaders 2011
Appendix 5. The Story of Two Best-Selling Writers
Appendix 6. The Main Players of Google
Appendix 7. Jeremy Lin's Commanding Pillars Chart
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