『A HISTORY Of The PRINTED BOOK: Being the Third Number of The Dolphin』 edited by Lawrence Wroth, ; A. F. Johnson, Ruth Grannis, Philip Hofer, R. W. Chapman, Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Dard Hunter First Edition, Limited 1800 copies.designed by Carl Purington Rollins and printed at Yale University Press、New York: The Limited Editions Club, 1938年 31cm x 22cm.cm、xv (i), 507+刊行案内29頁 限定1800部、印刷:エール大学出版部、本文ダブルコラム、図版190点、大型本
錚々たる執筆陣(米国系が多い)による論考は: 1. The Heritage of the Manuscript, by Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt. 2. The Invention of Printing, by Otto W. Fuhrmann. 3. The Spread of Printing in the Fifteenth Century, by Erich von Rath, translated by Aileen Calderwood. 4. The Sixteenth Century, by A.F. Johnson. 5. The Seventeenth Century, by Margaret Bingham Stillwell. 6. The Eighteenth Century, by Lawrence C. Wroth....etcなどなど。
edited by Lawrence Wroth,
; A. F. Johnson, Ruth Grannis, Philip Hofer, R. W. Chapman, Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Dard Hunter
First Edition, Limited 1800 copies.designed by Carl Purington Rollins and printed at Yale University Press、New York: The Limited Editions Club, 1938年
31cm x 22cm.cm、xv (i), 507+刊行案内29頁
(2024年 3月 18日 21時 00分 追加)
人気画家や有名版画家を起用した挿絵本や豪華本で知られた伝統ある米国限定本倶楽部(Limited Editions Club)から1938年に季刊誌「The Dolphin」の第3号として会員向けに限定1800部刊行されだ『印刷された書物の歴史』で、グーテンベルグによる印刷術の発明がら20世紀初頭までの書物の歴史です
1. The Heritage of the Manuscript, by Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt.
2. The Invention of Printing, by Otto W. Fuhrmann.
3. The Spread of Printing in the Fifteenth Century, by Erich von Rath, translated by Aileen Calderwood.
4. The Sixteenth Century, by A.F. Johnson.
5. The Seventeenth Century, by Margaret Bingham Stillwell.
6. The Eighteenth Century, by Lawrence C. Wroth....etcなどなど。