Receiving CORS Redirection Error when Signing into App Service using Azure AD

Introduction This post is to help explain what is occurring when the CORS redirection error occurs when trying to navigate back to the login page after logging in. This doesn’t occur when the user is using a private browsing method/mode. The error that is typically received is error : “Failed to load{GUID} (index):{GUID}/oauth2/autho…{GUID}&state=redir%3D%252F.auth%252Fme%253Fv%253D1518029528427: Redirect from ‘…{GUID}&oauth2/autho…{GUID}&state=redir%3D%252F.auth%252Fme%253Fv%253D1518029528427′ to ‘{GUID}/oaut…{GUID}&state=redir%3D%252F.auth%252Fme%253Fv%253D158029528427′ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present … Continue reading Receiving CORS Redirection Error when Signing into App Service using Azure AD